TSI launched a new family of butanol based condensation particle counters (CPC): the CPC’s 3750, 3752 and 3756, replacing the models 3772, 3775 and 3776 respectively.The butanol based CPC 3750 belongs to the 4th generation of CPCs and has two special key points: a new software and new features and diagnostics tool.
Other benefits include:
– Extended concentration range up to 100,000 particles/cm³
– Extended size range down to 7 nm. (D50)
Moreover this new CPC is of flexible use as it can be upgradeable with CEN/TS 16976 calibration for continuous ambient monitoring or upgradeable to 1 nm. CPC with compatible Nano Enhancer.
For more details please contact us by email: info@jjbosbv.nl or phone: +31-182-619333.