j.j. bos b.v. is een partner van TSI in de Benelux sinds 1972. Daarom kunnen we u hierbij informeren over de laatste ontwikkeling die TSI kan leveren op het gebied van emissie meting bij verbrandingsmotoren, de NPET ofwel Nanoparticle emission tester.
Lees rest artikel in het Engels:
This Nanoparticle emission tester is dedicated to diesel emission machinery testing and it is designed as a portable tool for use in the field or the lab.
The NPET gives a direct measurement of particle concentration from 103 to 5.106 particles/cm3. The solid particle number concentration is a proven accepted metric for researchers and regulators to determine compliance to emission limits of various combustion sources. Thus the NPET is an official certified instrument for the testing of diesel machinery equipped with a Diesel Particle Filter (DPF) according to Swiss regulation 941.242.
The instrument includes non-exhaustively a stainless steel sample probe with removable clamps to reach directly the emissions from the tail pipes, a cyclone with a cut-off at 1 µm to remove the large particles and a catalytic stripper removing the volatile components from the sample stream.
The user can choose between two different measurement modes, the official mode which tests the Swiss regulation 941.242 in less than one minute or the general mode which provides real-time data logging for research.
If you are interested in getting more information on the NPET model 3795 or a demonstration of the equipment in your facility, please contact us at info@jjbosbv.nl or by phone +31-(0)182-619333.