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In collaboration with MTS Systems Corp, it is our pleasure to invite you to the “MTS software” seminar, where in-depth solutions will be presented
This presentation will be ideal for R&D labs working with MTS test equipment 793, MPT and/or TestSuite MPE software and are looking for improvement in test procedures and optimization in their software test protocols.
The presentation will be held in English language by a MTS application engineer.
Later in the afternoon, there will be presentation by A.R. Analysis. and j.j. bos where we will demonstrate “Oil analysis and maintenance” to provide better insights into optimal care and servicing of your test equipment.
Program will be split into 2 half-days:
Date: Wednesday November 15, 2023, morning program
Location: Van Der Valk Hotel Nieuwerkerk, Parallelweg – Zuid 185, 2914 LE Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel
Reception: From 9:30 AM you are welcome for a cup of coffee or tea
Start of program: The program starts at 10:00 AM and lasts until approximately 12:00 PM, afterwards a lunch will follow.
1. Compensation technics
- Limitations of PIDF control
- Overview of compensators available for MTS test systems
- Limitations and best practices
2. Real time calculated channels in servohydraulic test systems
- Overview
- Examples of usage: averaging, custom signal filtering, torque calculation based on 2 load cell signals, etc.
Date: Wednesday November 15, 2023, afternoon program
Location: Van Der Valk Hotel Nieuwerkerk, Parallelweg – Zuid 185, 2914 LE Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel
Reception: From 12:00 PM you are welcome for lunch
Start of program: The program starts at 13:00 PM and lasts until approximately 16:00 PM
3. Use of IronPython for complex calculations during or after a test
- Overview, specifics and limitations
- Use of external libraries in IronPython calculations
- Demonstration of IronPython examples from real projects
4. Virtual specimens for test procedures development.
- LCF, HCF, FCG, CTOD specimens available for 793software
- Specimen properties customization
5. Oil analysis and maintenance
- Oil analysis according to MTS standards (guest speaker A.R. Analysis)
- j.j. bos service and maintenance plans
Please let us know if you would like to register for this free seminar by subscribing via our “informatie aanvragen” button (top page). After receiving your registration (please before November 10th) you will receive a confirmation and directions for final location.