How can we generate particles to visualize them?
For an high-tech customer in the Netherlands we were involved in a challenging project where main target was to inject particles into a vacuum test chamber.
Purpose was to determine the trajectory and behaviour of those to validate the existing theoretical models currently in use.
Therefor we had multiple instruments implemented.
With the Topas ATM 228 we generated monodisperse particles (Melamine resin particles) which we fed through a Diffusion Dryer Unit DDU 570. The resulting aerosol we measured and verified the particles with multiple TSI devices, like: SMPS , OPS and CPC 3007.
With the knowledge of the concentration and size of the particles we started injecting those into the test chamber.
Attached to the test chamber viewing ports was a LaVision LDV system to visualize and track the particles.
After some time adjusting the setup we were able to measure and visualize particles of 500 nm. going through the test chamber, appearing as little dots flying all over the LDV screen.
(Laser Doppler Velocimetry is a technique which allows the measurement of velocity at a point in a seeded flow field with a high temporal resolution)
j.j. bos b.v. : Test to Improve!