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Aerosol and Particle measurement

For counting, generating or measuring particles or aerosols, j.j. bos b.v. supplies measurement solutions in the Benelux for more than 50 years. Our range of products includes Counters, Sizers and Atomizers of the market leaders in this field: the American TSI Inc. and Topas GmbH from Germany.

In this product group Aerosol and Particle Instruments we distinguish the following techniques:

  • Particle generation
  • Particle counting
  • Particle classification on size


Dust and Particle measurement

Our suppliers TSI Incorporated and Topas GmbH serve a global research market, identify and solve problems in particulate matter measurement or nanoparticle measurements. This can be particulate matter in air, aerosol or flows. The TSI Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) has been the world standard for determining a particle distribution and measuring particulate matter (UFPs) for decades. Today, using the Nano Enhancer, this can be done from a particle size of 1 nm. Feel free to contact us for more information about these instruments or measurement techniques based on electrical mobility (SMPS), light scattering (OPS) or time of flight (APS).

Particulate matter consists of very small solid particles suspended in the air. Some particles occur naturally in the air; others come from human activities. Particulate matter particles come in different sizes, shapes and compositions. They also differ in the effect the particles have on humans when we inhale them, for example.

Whether there is a need to generate, count or size particles, there is an appropriate measurement solution from Topas or TSI



UFP Measurement Campaign Netherlands part of European network

Since early 2024, the Dutch government has been tendering for measurement equipment for the LML (Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit). With this new equipment, […]

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Combating UFP with innovative solution from Xeamos

A leading emissions reduction company, Xeamos recently acquired a TSI NPET model 37595-HC for measuring ultrafine dust (UFP). Xeamos was founded 25 […]

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Exploring the world of particle detection and visualization

How can we generate particles to visualize them? For an high-tech customer in the Netherlands we were involved in a challenging project […]

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Delivery of Topas Dust generator for exploring the moon

The European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, is preparing for a moon landing. Part of the research and testing concerns […]

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WHO Guidelines regarding PM, PN and UFP’s

We are pleased to inform you about the new Particulate Matter (PM) and Particle Number Concentration (PN) threshold values as published by […]

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New CPC validation setup

Based on the Topas FCS-249 aerosol generator and a TSI 3750 reference CPC, j.j. bos has commissioned a setup to check and […]

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Google air view
Google Street View car monitoring air quality

Since a few months you may encounter 2 Google Street View cars in the Amsterdam area to map the air quality at […]

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New range butanol CPC’s

TSI launched a new family of butanol based condensation particle counters (CPC): the CPC’s 3750, 3752 and 3756, replacing the models 3772, […]

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