Home » Delivery of Topas Dust generator for exploring the moon

Delivery of Topas Dust generator for exploring the moon

The European Space Agency (ESA) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, is preparing for a moon landing.
Part of the research and testing concerns the question: What happens once you land on the moon and a dust cloud of lunar sand is released, how does this spread and how does this affect the materials applied on the moonlander and worn by the astronauts?
In order to simulate this, j.j. bos b.v. supplied a Topas SAG-410 Dust generator in a dedicated Chamber that researchers use to generate a dust cloud with actual lunar sand.

Samples are taken in the dust cloud emitted during landing.
Another part of the laboratory has the ability to place this sample in a machine that can create a vacuum similar to the conditions in space.
With this data, researchers can determine what influence this has on, for example, the equipment of astronauts and or materials of spaceships.

j.j. bos b.v. and Topas: Test to Improve!