Here at the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) department of TU Delft, we have been very pleased with the services of J.J. Bos. We rely on MTS machines for a wide variety of mechanical tests, and J.J. Bos is our supplier and service provider for all of this equipment.
For us, the big advantage of MTS systems is that they are widely configurable, which lets us easily integrate features like temperature control, crack measurement by potential drop, and even DIC into our experiments. It also allows us to customize our test procedures for complicated and off-standard experiments. In a university setting, every project is different, and it is very important for us to have the flexibility that comes with MTS equipment.
In addition to installing our larger systems such as a recent controller upgrade, they have given us useful advice about smaller pieces of equipment like extensometers and alignment systems. They also professionally calibrate our load cells, displacement sensors, and extensometers when needed. Perhaps most importantly, they are always available on short notice when we have urgent issues with our equipment. When our cooling system became clogged and made high-temperature testing impossible, a service technician was on-site the same day to take it apart and clean it out. It’s this service that makes J.J. Bos one of our most valued suppliers.